Soap making basics


Designed for beginners who want to learn basic soap making techniques

~ Duration
100 minutes of exclusive video (7 lessons)

~ Difficulty

~ We do
Lavender soap



~ As part of the course, we will analyze the basic recipe for making soap in a cold way, find out what ingredients, materials and tools a beginner soap maker will need, and where it is best to purchase them.

~ Learn how to use the lye calculator and make your own recipes.

~ Learn how to use natural ingredients to give soap color, aroma, texture and beneficial properties. We will learn how to decorate and pack the finished product.

~ Let’s analyze the mistakes of a beginner soap maker, talk about how to avoid or correct them.

~ Together with the master we will make fragrant lavender soap. The knowledge gained in the course will help you create your own natural soap recipes with various beneficial properties.